Category Archives: 2012

Post Done in 2012

In Memory on This Day

Today at 16:30 Christopher will have been gone from our lives for 13 years.

This is in his memory

Friends knew him as “Patty” or “G’

Mom and Dad as their ONLY SON

His Sister as her little brother

JESUS knows him as HIS Precious Son

Your heart brought great joy to many

Those hearts will never forget you

We still hear your gentle laughter


Feel those great BIG hugs you gave

We still feel your love and will always see that great

BIG smile


We Will Always see your Light around us

30th Birthday Today February 15th 2012

Today Christopher would have been 30 years old. Seems like only yesterday that he was born. He is very much missed by all that knew him. Today, in his honor I have set up a blog/website for those who have had a loss and would like to remember their loved ones. The site is

Christopher In The Bahamas Aug 1999